Contact Us


You've reached this web page from the main YROA web page.

Currently there isn't a standing or representative committee with whom to contact. Perhaps in the future such a non-binding informative committee might be formed and sanctioned from within each of the four Phases. At that time it's contact information would be provided here.

Until then, please select the Phase you're most interested in and use it's CONTACT hotlink for any contact information that is know by us.

Thank you.


This Web Site

This web site has been created and is maintained by Richard Kantak of Phase II. All site expenses including domain names, programs and support software plus other miscellaneous expenses have been paid for by Richard Kantak. No financial support has been provided by any Phase. Information contained on these pages, in general, has been obtained from various County, State of Washington and Federal Web pages, written materials, interviews or conversations. If any content is in error, or may be considered unwarranted in any way, please use the Phase II Contact Us link to describe your concern. Thank you.